Day 55: The September 1st breeze

When I moved to North Georgia, I noticed that there was a certain breeze that arrived every year around September 1. A breeze that was not fresh like the breezes of spring, or humid like the hot breezes of summer. A breeze that bites with ice. It’s distinct from the lovely breezes that start cooling off the … read more Day 55: The September 1st breeze

Day 54: Katy DID

I used to think that thunderous noise at night was cicadas, but I learned that it was katydids. Yes, those sweet-faced insects that look like a leaf. When there are thousands of them, they start to talk in rhythm, call-and-response. Some people think their debate goes: “Katy DID!” “Katy DIDN’T!” Whatever they are arguing about, it’s intense. … read more Day 54: Katy DID

Day 52: Abundance

Some of my fellow residents in this wooded mountain community have been concerned about the number of “webs” in the trees this summer. They’re referring to “webworms,” which look like thick masses of spider web but are actually cocoons for a whole nursery of caterpillars. One woman attacked with vigor: She swept and cut them … read more Day 52: Abundance

Day 51: Mao’s holy cards

In the midst of this week’s scare about China, I happened to be sorting through memorabilia from the early ’90s, when I lived, worked and traveled there. And I found the Mao holy cards. That’s what our group of resident foreigners called them: laminated portrait cards of Chairman Mao, which suddenly appeared, hanging first from … read more Day 51: Mao’s holy cards

Day 49: I’ve seen better

The day started out well enough – extra time in the morning with Tom is the best way I can think of to ease into a new week. Nothing particularly bad happened during the day. Mostly routine, but not boring. But somehow, at 2:30, I felt like I couldn’t really do anything else today. I did, of … read more Day 49: I’ve seen better

Day 48: The tiles of oppression

Dad used to joke that it cost $3,000 to have our living room curtains cleaned. After they were dry-cleaned, the newly bright curtains made the rest of the room look dingy. A few months later, they’d bought new furniture, installed wall-to-wall carpet, and bought a TV with a hardwood cabinet. (You could do all that … read more Day 48: The tiles of oppression