The 11th day of the rice and sugar cult

Every day I go to a tree, any tree. Around the base, I scatter a mix of sugar and rice.  There is no incantation, no prayer, no special method of scattering the rice and sugar.  I have done this for 11 days in a row. The ritual is to break my chain of bad luck.  … read more The 11th day of the rice and sugar cult

Big booties to fill

Been thinking about Grandma Alma again. Alma had a husband who made her promise to keep the family together and then died leaving her with eight small children, no money and a mortgage she couldn’t pay, and then people bought her farm stuff for pennies at auction and some of them never paid her. I … read more Big booties to fill

Think through these things thoroughly

Thelma saw thistles in the thick thatch. Thelma thought Martha threw a booth into Lake Athens. They saw father put the lather on the smooth leather. Those speech therapy authors should be thrashed. Because they can’t write worth a thit. Quoted above are a few of the sentences that Tom had to say as part of … read more Think through these things thoroughly

Not on the menu

Hospital food is notoriously bad and unhealthy. I remember being in hospital in North Georgia in 2007 and the choices were all deep-fried or heavily sweetened.  Tom and I eat pretty healthy food, especially in the last three years. We avoid sugar and processed foods, we eat whole foods, fresh vegetables and fruits, we go … read more Not on the menu

The silence of the ferns

It was nearly sunset as I crashed through the forest. I usually make some noise while hiking in areas with bears, wild hogs and snakes, so that they have a chance to clear out before I confront them. Plus, I’d just left a community jam session, and the little bit of sing-along got my musical heart beating. … read more The silence of the ferns

The red buckeyes: In the forest

October 20, 2013 I had finally figured out that the red buckeyes would never flourish in our dry, clay patch yard at home. So I carefully dug up the first one and put it into a pot to take to Booger Hollow. Its root had a funny kink, presumably from where I’d broken it as a seedling. I … read more The red buckeyes: In the forest

Secret garden

All along the road and trail, the ground was covered with black char. No green anywhere. So many of our drives and hikes in the Chattahoochee National Forest had been blighted by the sight of that fire. The U.S. Forest Service does annual prescribed burns in the Chattahoochee, and for many weeks afterwards hundreds of acres look barren … read more Secret garden

Better living through plastic plumbing

It’s an odd feeling to look into the guts of your house. To see the secret space where the house’s invisible life carries on through water and drain pipes, air ducts, propane and electrical lines. It’s like seeing a scan of your brain.  A little creepy, but fascinating. As of today, our house has veins and arteries – … read more Better living through plastic plumbing

Old guys who can fix things

When Darren’s father got out of the truck, I was dismayed. This plumbing company is a father-son business. I was hoping that Darren was the father and that he was apprenticing his 20-something son. But Darren, in his late 40s, is the son. His father is 75. Now, don’t get me wrong. Donald, the dad, is … read more Old guys who can fix things