Workouts on paper

The state of my brain has begun to come out in my construction paper workouts. One that partially expresses the feeling of having been attacked: Trying to regain my sense of equilibrium: From yesterday, one that gets at the resistance from my brain to my own commands: Here’s me, with my ever-shifting levels of energy: And … read more Workouts on paper

Only a few

We dragged three boxes of Christmas decorations out of storage yesterday, knowing we didn’t need them. We’d already decided that a tree with ornaments would be too much hassle. But there were a few items we needed from those boxes. We only wanted the lights. Just plain, white lights. Simple candles (electric) in the front windows, … read more Only a few

Something doesn’t add up

Since I was a kid, any time I’ve taken an aptitude test I score higher on math than language. My GRE score was highest in analytical, almost as high in quantitative reasoning, and lowest in verbal reasoning. Funny stats for someone who always wanted to be a writer, and whose career involved very little math. … read more Something doesn’t add up